Sunday, August 21, 2016

1864. Opening of Queensland's first hospital for women. Leichhardt Street, Spring Hill, Brisbane.

Queensland’s first hospital for women opened in 1864, on Leichhardt Street, Spring Hill. Originally known as the Queensland Lying-In Hospital, it was later renamed Lady Bowen Hospital after the wife of Queensland’s first Governor. Although there had been general hospitals in the region before this, the opening of a women’s hospital was a clear indication of the growing prosperity and population of Queensland.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

1864. Birth of first child/son in Spring Hill, Brisbane.3 January.

George James Blond was born on 3 January 1864 in Spring Hill, Brisbane, Queensland,
Australia - first child of George Louis LeBlond, who was known as George
Blond by this time, and his wife Johannah Blond, nee Mulcahy.Spring Hill at this time was nothing more than a bush-covered area.

George James Blond married Mary Jane Marks ( Mary was known as Minnie )
on 20 January 1898 in Brisbane. The couple had no children.

George James Blond died in Brisbane on 23 November 1935 and Mary Jane
Blond nee Marks died on 5 November 1954 in Brisbane.

A wedding photo of George and Minnie is included above.

Brisbane scene C1860. Queen and Edward Streets looking towards the Brisbane River.

Birth of second son Henry Edward Blond. 27 December 1865 in Brisbane.

At this time, Cobb and Co. opened it's first Queenskand coach route between Brisbane and Ipswich.The first run started on 1 January 1866.

Death of second son Henry Edward Blond in Brisbane. 16 September 1866.

Birth of third son Joseph Blond in Brisbane. 8 September 1867.

This was the year that James Nash discovered gold on the Mary River near Gympie which sparked a gold rush. One wonders if George was tempted to join the rush?

1868. Living at Arthur Street, Brisbane. Occupation: Seaman.

Detail obtained from the Post Office Directory.

Birth of fourth son Edward John Blond.1 November 1869 in Brisbane.

Edward John Blond, son of George Louis Le Blond ( Blond ). Born 1 November 1869. Brisbane, Australia Married 26 May 1890. Brisbane, Australia Died 13 March 1939. Ipswich, Australia. This is the only photo that I have of my grandfather. Of interest is that the photo was taken at the wedding of Edward's eldest daughter Lillian Elizabeth Blond to James Alfred Tingle on 28 June 1913. Edward's wife Eleanor Blond nee Marks ( my grandmother, pictured below ) was not in the wedding group photo as she was giving birth to my father Alfred James Blond on that day!! There were nine children in the family - 21 and a half years between eldest and youngest! Edward is the brother of George James Blond ( b. 1864 ). See blog posting above. Brothers George and Edward Blond married sisters Mary and Eleanor Marks.

Birth of fifth son William Blond 5 October 1871 Brisbane.

Death of fifth son William Blond 6 May 1872 Brisbane.

Death of third son Joseph Blond in Brisbane. 29 July 1872.

With Joseph's death, George and his wife Johannah had lost three sons in about six years - probably providing a sad reflection of the living conditions in Brisbane at this time.

March 1877: Coal to Hong Kong by Messrs. Blond and Company!

Courier...March 1877
" The Monkchester, barque, 654 tons, was chartered on February 28 (1877), by Messrs. Blond and Coy.,through the agency of Messrs. George Harris and Co., to convey a full cargo of coal from Perseverance mine to HongKong. This is we believe, the first charter for a full cargo of coal yet arranged from this port direct, and will be the third shortly leaving for Hongkong of the produce of our local collieries."

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1878. The first electric light is switched on at a public demonstration in William Street, Brisbane.

1883. December 9. Death of Johannah Blond, wife of George.

More information regarding Johannah can be found in " Gary Blond's Genealogy " Blog. Link available.

Steamer " Agnes "

AGNES: 78 gross tons, 53 net.Lbd: 87'6" x 20'8" x 5'7". Wooden steamship built and registered Brisbane 1884 in the name of George Blonde and Joseph McGhee. Various unknown owners since until 1907 when acquired by the Adelaide Steamship Co., Adelaide. Either 1915 or 1918 sold to A. Jackson of Bunbury then A E Brown shipbuilder Fremantle. No records since 1922...........extract from " Various Australian Shipping Lines. Images, postcards, ephemera of Australian Shipping Lines past and present."

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1884. August 4. Marriage of George Louis Blond to Margaret Kirk ( pictured below ) in Brisbane.

Navigation Act fine

Brisbane Courier, Friday,  July 3, 1891

" At the city Police Court yesterday, Wilhelm Hansen and George Blond were each fined 10 pounds for breaches of the Navigation Act. "

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1897. February 24. Brisbane Courier. Railway tenders.

Supply of round timber for bridges on deviation, Northern railway line. George Blond 217 pounds 5 shillings and 2 pence.

January 1889. Gold in Victoria Park!

January 1889. Gold in Victoria Park !.......continued

...The Trustees of the park held a meeting on Wednesday and decided to
take no action in either granting or refusing the request of the
prospectors to be allowed to work the ground until after personal
inspection of the spot. Meanwhile the story of the discovery has been
given us from quite another point of view. A labouring man called upon
us on Wednesday and stated that about three years ago he started
fossicking in districts around Brisbane and as far north as Bundaberg.
He accumulated a quantity of specimens, which he brought with him on his
return. Living near the spot of the reported discovery, he went there in
June last with a "dolly" in order to crush his specimens, and obtain
what gold he could from them. The stones when treated in this way, flies
about a good deal, and on Sunday morning last our informant was at this
place looking among the remains of his former experiment, when some men,
believed to be the prospectors, came along and asked him what he was
looking for. He replied " for something I have lost ". They then said
there must be something in the quartz, and picking up some of the stones
they went away.

Between 3 and 4 in the afternoon, when our informant returned, he found
one of his former visitors with two other men fossicking about the
place. He believes therefore, that the specimens found are only those
which he had himself brought to the spot from various places.

The Trustees of the Victoria Park on Thursday visited the place where
the alleged discovery of gold took place, and the result of their
inspection strengthened the impression previously existing that the
precious metal is not to be obtained in payable quantities in the field.
With regard to granting the request of the prospectors to be allowed to
work the ground, grave legal difficulties exist and no permission has
been up to the present given.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

January 1889. Gold in Victoria Park!

The Brisbane Courier Wednesday 30 January 1889

"George Blond and party have formally reported to the Mines Department that they have pegged out prospecting claims in Victoria Park where they state they have discovered payable gold. They have produced specimens which appear to be freely charged with gold of somewhat poor character, and claim the usual reward. Unfortunately the Department cannot recognise the application, inasmuch as the park is vested in trustees by a deed of grant and the provisions of the Goldfields Act are such that lands dedicated for any public purpose cannot be recognised as Crown lands.It is therefore impossible for the department to recognise the discoveries in any way whatever.

We believe that the prospectors, acting upon advice, have brought the matter before the Trustees with the view of obtaining the consent of that body to carry on mining operations in the park, and the matter will be considered at a meeting of the trustees to be held today. The actual position of the discovery is adjoining the Grammar School cricket ground, where gold is understood to have been discovered some 18 years ago.

The specimens brought into town include three small pieces of gold-studded quartz, which have evidently been exposed to the atmosphere for a long time, and a quantity of small rough fragments of gold which were found among the gravel. The gold has all come from a reef; but the distance it has travelled from the leader is a matter which the prospectors have still to decide, though they believe the reef is in their claim."

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